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It’s important to understand how the colour system works in a multi-brand environment and adhere to the accessibility guidelines.

Primary UI palette

The core colours used in the digital brand. Each colour has a variable name (token) which also serves as a guide to describe its intended use.

  • Primary#DA1710R:218 G:23 B:16
  • Hero#000R:0 G:0 B:0
  • Neutral#403A38R:64 G:58 B:56
  • Heading#000R:0 G:0 B:0
  • Text#000R:0 G:0 B:0
  • Link#DA1710R:218 G:23 B:16
  • Muted#686362R:104 G:99 B:98
  • Border#D3D3D3R:211 G:211 B:211
  • Background#F3F5F6R:243 G:245 B:246
  • Light#FAFAFAR:250 G:250 B:250

Secondary colours

The secondary palette is a collection of bespoke, brand specific colours. Unlike the primary palette secondary colours do not map to the other brands. Secondary colours are generally used for bespoke brand embellishment: headers, promos, charts, diagrams etc. They are unique to the brand and must not be used anywhere else.

  • Red#DA1710R:218 G:23 B:16
  • Croral#FF7468R:255 G:116 B:104
  • Pink#F9C1CFR:249 G:193 B:207
  • Purple#685AC0R:104 G:90 B:192
  • Lilac#A094FCR:160 G:148 B:252
  • Aqua#84DCE0R:132 G:220 B:224
  • Navy#002F6CR:0 G:47 B:108
  • Cobalt#376EE2R:55 G:110 B:226
  • Cyan#009ED4R:0 G:158 B:212
  • Green#78BE20R:120 G:190 B:32
  • Pine#002B14R:0 G:43 B:20
  • Lime#D4DE25R:212 G:222 B:37

Reserved colours

The reserved colours convey meaning through colour, they’re used for contextual messaging and designed to clearly separate messaging from content. Only use these colours in the alert and messaging components, using them for any other purpose or in any other interface element is off-brand.

  • Success#008000R:0 G:128 B:0
  • Info#0074C4R:0 G:116 B:196
  • Warning#C53B00R:197 G:59 B:0
  • Danger#C40000R:196 G:0 B:0
  • System#FF0R:255 G:255 B:0

Data visualisation colours

The data visualisation colour palette gives each brand a set of 6 colours (A-F). Each colour has a corresponding 50% tint and 30% opacity. This set of 18 colours provides enormous scope and flexibility for a wide range of complex data visualisations. The first 4 colours (A–D) are the main set and should ALWAYS be the first choice. The last 2 colours (E–F) are backup colours and must ONLY be used as a last resort for charts that require more than 4 categories. These colours are reserved and must only be used for Data Visualisation (charts and graphs).

Learn more about the Data Visualisation system.

  • data-a-solid#DA1710R:218 G:23 B:16
  • data-a-tint#EC8A87R:236 G:138 B:135
  • data-a-opacity#DA17104DR:218 G:23 B:16 A:77
  • data-b-solid#685AC0R:104 G:90 B:192
  • data-b-tint#B3ACDFR:179 G:172 B:223
  • data-b-opacity#685AC04DR:104 G:90 B:192 A:77
  • data-c-solid#84DCE0R:132 G:220 B:224
  • data-c-tint#C1EDEFR:193 G:237 B:239
  • data-c-opacity#84DCE04DR:132 G:220 B:224 A:77
  • data-d-solid#FF7468R:255 G:116 B:104
  • data-d-tint#FFB9B3R:255 G:185 B:179
  • data-d-opacity#FF74684DR:255 G:116 B:104 A:77
  • data-e-solid#D4DE25R:212 G:222 B:37
  • data-e-tint#E9EE91R:233 G:238 B:145
  • data-e-opacity#D4DE254DR:212 G:222 B:37 A:77
  • data-f-solid#009ED4R:0 G:158 B:212
  • data-f-tint#7FCEE9R:127 G:206 B:233
  • data-f-opacity#009ED44DR:0 G:158 B:212 A:77

User experience

Colour can impact a design greatly by influencing decision making or undermining design intent. Bold colours can draw attention but design with too many bold colours and it will have the opposite result.

When using colour careful consideration needs to be centred around a number of aspects such as the use of brand colours, how colour may be perceived for certain tasks, how colours interact with one another (discord, analogous, complementary), and how colour is impacted by accessibility requirements.

The colour palette available is dictated by the brand, with accessibility an increasingly important factor.

Visual design

Each brand in the Westpac Group uses a unique colour palette as part of its identity. These colours permeate across every touchpoint in the customer journey. Each brand's colour palette is mapped to the core UI palette and uses variables (tokens) to identify the colour. This allows brands to be switched quickly, efficiently and accurately. Correct use of the core colours plays a crucial role in brand recognition, customer experience, accessibility and consistency. When the colour palette is not applied correctly the integrity of the brand is diluted and the customer journey fragmented. When using colour, make sure you are using approved brand colours.

ArticlesCopyright © 2023 by Westpac Banking Corporation. All rights reserved.

Colour system

Why we've done it, how it works and why you should use it. Read about the colour system.


Strategic approach to digital brand management and delivery. Find out how to think multi-brand.