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Use this pattern to capture the preferences around whether or not a customer wants to provide their Tax File Number details.

Tax File Number

Base pattern

The Tax File Number (TFN) pattern uses progressive disclosure as to allow the user to match their preferences and not overwhelm with too many questions at once.

Previously provided

This variation includes an option to select a TFN that has been provided previously, this is for existing customers.

Error states

The error message should always sit above the input field to give context. The error icon helps draw the eye by disrupting the flow of text at the starting point of the sentence, and aids in accessibility for those who may be colour impaired and not see the colour change.

User experience

To encourage users to supply their tax file information, use the hint text to communicate what will happen if users withhold their tax file number. Tax File Number exemption reasons should be unambiguous, clear, and succinct speaking the language of the customer, not business rationale.